Unknown payment was found

Have more questions? Submit a request
If you need supports on the unknown payment, you can contact the customer support.
To support on relieving your concern, please provide the required information below when submitting your inquiry:
  • Payment Date :
  • Payment Method :
  • Item Name and Cost : 
  • Payment Platform Account (Google Play/App Store)
  • Order Number :


※ Please note that you may get accurate verification and support if you provide detailed information (e.g. 'Backgrounds on being aware of unknown payment') including the above information.
※ Google Play Order Number: The order number can be found in the 'Google Play Receipt' email belonging to the Google account used for the purchase. Please attach or provide the order number in the format GPA.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX.
※ Apple App Store Order Number: Go to your device's "Settings" → Select "Apple ID & Profile" at the top of the screen → Choose "Media & Purchases" → Select "View Account" to enter "Account Settings" → Go to "Purchase History" → Select the purchased item and provide the order receipt/order number as a screenshot or text.

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